Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries

If you're looking for life-long friends to share your spiritual journey with, Central is the perfect place! Central offers many Life classes, Life groups, women-specific groups, men-specific groups, and many other opportunities for fellowship. 

Adult Classes and Small Groups

Sunday School Classes

The Circle- 9:30 AM-10:55 AM, CAC Room 3-5. An eclectic Sunday School group, couples and singles, age 40 and up, who enjoy frequent fellowship gatherings.

Asbury- 9:45 AM-10:45 AM, Wesley Room 104. A large Sunday School group of men and women 65 and older, couples and singles, this class also meets for social gatherings.

The Bridge- 10 am-10:55 am, Wesley 105. A Sunday School group of couples and singles, mid-30s and 40s, most with children.

The Forum- 9:30 AM Social and Coffee, 9:45-10:45 AM Class, Wesley Room 310. A large Sunday School group with various ages and life stages (ages 40s-70s). The class is participant led.

Sunday School Classes are part of Central's DNA, with the reputation of being close-knit and welcoming to newcomers. These groups meet during the 10 a.m. hour throughout the campus. All Sunday morning groups are co-ed. There are groups for every life stage, from college students and young parents to empty-nesters and retirees.  Grow in faith, serve together, pray together, and enjoy friendships that go beyond Sunday morning. 

Small Groups

Connections Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays, from 6:30 PM- 8 PM. Wesley 306-307 & Zoom. Starting Tuesday, September 10

Connections Women's Bible Study will study "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore. Register here.

Led by Jennifer Haas & Janet Hailey.

Discipleship Encounters | Wesley Heritage

Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m. | Wesley Room 310 | Starting October 23

Discipleship Encounters offers participants theological reflections on the faith experience (historical, contextual, and missional). Along with the small group meetings, participants will have the opportunity for practical engagements with the materials covered. This year, our missional engagements include the Ozark Mission Project, Beyond Our Walls, Cuba Mission, and Wesley History and Tour. Register here.

Led by Rev. Dr. Chase Burns & Nathan Large

Faithful Antiracism | A Book Study 

Tuesdays, from 6 p.m. -7 p.m., Wesley 310. Starting September 10.

Compelled by the timeless truth of scripture, “Faithful Antiracism” will equip readers to move past talk and enter the fight against racism in both practical and hopeful ways. Register here. Buy the book here

Inclusive Connections 

The purpose of this group is to provide inclusive connections with our LGBTQIA+ community, stakeholders, and allies through thoughtful discussion, prayer, and book and Bible study of the challenging constellation of history and Scriptures that have impacted our marginalized LGBTQ and gender Non-Conforming (GNC) members, friends, loved ones, families, and neighbors. We intend to openly affirm and unconditionally include, explore, understand, listen, love and be loved, and support attendees. For more information, contact Kennie Goff .

We meet from 6-8:30 pm in Wesley Room 102 on the following days:

Thursday, September 12

Pronouns & Identity for Gender Non-conforming

Thursday, October 17

Mental Health issues for LGBTQIA+

Thursday, November 14

Holidays & Transgender Day of Remembrance

Led by: Kennie Goff and Julie Thibodaux

New Beginnings 

Join us as we follow the book, The Gospel of John - Savoring the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World—a women’s study. Buy the book here. Contact Gail here or Jaque here for help with ordering a book. Register here.

Led by: Jacque Nagel, and Gail Nebben

Parenting in the Pew | A Book Study 

Wednesdays, from 6 p.m. -7:30 p.m., Wesley Chapel. Starting September 11.

Parenting in the Pew is a study for adults who want to help children make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Register here. Buy the book here.

Led by: Jaime Reinen

Pastor's Class 

Wednesdays, from 6 p.m. -7:30 p.m., Wesley 310. Starting September 11.

Breaking the Code Study is a trustworthy guide to the rich symbolism of this important Biblical book. Register here. Buy the book here

Led by: Rev. Jennie Williams & Rev. Dr. Chase Burns

Small Groups are designed to help you learn and expand your knowledge of God and His perfect plan for you.  Studies offered will help deepen your faith and prepare you to step out and share the gospel with others. These classes are offered throughout the week in the fall, winter, and spring.  Most classes are co-ed. However, some studies are specifically for women and some specifically for men. Discipleship classes are a great way to meet diverse people and expand your community. 
United Women of Faith / Women's groups

Beautification and Climate.

Led by: Laura Underwood. 

Blessings and Blooms meet every Wednesday morning from 8 am – 11 am.  We are a group of women (and a few men

Wesley Foundation (College)

We reach out to students and invite them into christian community. Areas of emphasis include Welcome Weeks events, fellowship events, intramurals, freshmen community, outreach events on campus, and more.

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Missions + Outreach

Central's Missions & Outreach Ministries equip members of our congregation to serve people locally and worldwide. We envision, partner, and facilitate missions so that justice, freedom, peace, health, and well-being prevail across racial, cultural, national, and political boundaries; and all peoples live in dignity and security, even when they face humanitarian disasters and their aftermath.

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Serve with Us

There are many ways to volunteer and serve, from one-day community outreach projects, serving at Community Meals, to helping usher on Sunday mornings, serving at Central will bring you opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ.

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