U of A Wesley Foundation | College

College-Aged Ministry at Central

College is a pivotal point in life, and we at Central United Methodist Church are along for the journey.

Our College-Aged events are for anyone who has graduated high school thru their mid-20s. We have opportunities for students who attend school in the area, as well as those who go away for school. We know that this is a pivotal time in your life … and we want to be your plus one! Let Central be your church home away from home!

College students are welcome at all of our church activities:

9 a.m. Contemporary Worship held in the CAC, with music led by the Praise Band
10 a.m. Sunday School or Coffee and Conversation
11 a.m. Classic Worship held in the Sanctuary, with music led by the Chancel Choir
Join our young adults group (YA), which meets on the first Thursday of each month. For more information, join their GroupMe here.

For more information about College-age activities at Central, please contact Rev. Virginia Brown at .

Wesley Foundation

We reach out to students and invite them into christian community. Areas of emphasis include Welcome Weeks events, fellowship events, intramurals, freshmen community, outreach events on campus, and more.

U of A Wesley Website

Volunteer for Tuesday Dinners