Love your neighbor.

A campaign.

Starting from the last Sunday of September and continuing throughout October, Central UMC is embarking on our own campaign trail. During the election season, we tend to become more polarized than usual. Pew Research has conducted several studies reviewing the divide between parties and has found that today we are farther apart than ever before.

We have also observed a similar negative behavior entering our denominational conversations. We believe that addressing this divide or brokenness is exactly what Jesus calls us to do. We invite you to join us in spreading love within our community through our Love Your Neighbor campaign. Throughout October, we will have challenges involving random acts of kindness, and we want to demonstrate to our community that you can "love your neighbor" first.

Everyone is welcome to purchase a shirt, a car magnet, or yard signs to share this message throughout Northwest Arkansas.

Buy Shirts Here Buy Magnets/Yard Signs Here

We will end our month of love with Serve Saturday (formerly Beyond Our Walls). On Saturday, October 26, Central members will gather to serve our community in love. We can't wait to see the spread of joy throughout October. 

You have heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who harass you so that you will be acting as children of your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:43-45).